Results for 'Peyman Amanolahi Baharvand'

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  1.  56
    Combined contributions of feedforward and feedback inputs to bottom-up attention.Peyman Khorsand, Tirin Moore & Alireza Soltani - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  2. Perception, self-correction and philosophical intuition.Peyman Pourghannad, Davood Hosseini & Lotfollah Nabavi - 2016 - Metaphysics (University of Isfahan) 8 (22):47-60.
    According to the dominant methodology of contemporary analytic philosophy, philosophical intuitions play evidential roles for or against philosophical theories. However, intuitions can play the supposed role successfully only if they are justified. Phenomenalism, as one of the proposed theories that aims to explain and argue for justifiedness of intuitions, claims that intuitions are justified because they have a certain phenomenal character: Intuitive contents seem to be true. Furthermore, it argues that sensory perception has similar phenomenal character, in virtue of which (...)
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    Ultimate referentiality: Radical phenomenology and the new interpretative sociology.Peyman Vahabzadeh - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (4):447-465.
    A brief and selective conceptual glance at the history of sociological foundation shows that a certain assumption about the `ultimate referentiality' of society has been at the heart of sociology. The late modern responses to, and reactions against, foundationalism in various schools in the human and social sciences provide a springboard for a new beginning in sociological inquiry. Drawing on radical phenomenology and postmetaphysical hermeneutical philosophy, this article summons attention to the concept of ultimate referentiality as the point of moorage (...)
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  4. نسبی‌انگاری ارزش‌ها و گرایش‌های درباره خود.Peyman Jabbari, Mohsen Javadi & Muhammad Legenhausen - 2023 - فلسفه 20 (2):35-56.
    نسبی‌انگاری اخلاقی یکی از مکاتب کهن فرااخلاقی است که به وجود ویژگی‌های اخلاقی، و صدق و توجیه احکام اخلاقی می‌پردازد. با این حال، بخشی از بحث‌های مربوط به نسبی‌انگاری متوجّه معناشناسی جملات نسبی است. نظریات نسبی‌انگارانۀ سنّتی زمینه‌گرا هستند، به این معنا که احکام اخلاقی را دارای عنصری می‌دانند که به نحوی ارجاع به گوینده دارد. این دیدگاه نسبی‌انگاری را با چالش‌هایی مواجه می‌کند، از جمله این‌که اختلاف نظر که یکی از اسباب عمدۀ گرایش به نسبی‌انگاری است، به سوء تفاهم (...)
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    Communicating through vague language: a comparative study of L1 and L2 speakers.Peyman G. P. Sabet - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Grace Qiao Zhang.
    Vague language refers to expressions with unspecified meaning (for instance, 'I kind of want that job'), and is an important but often overlooked part of linguistic communication. This book is a comparative study of vague language based on naturally occurring data of a rare combination: L1 (American) and L2 (Chinese and Persian) speakers in academic settings. The findings indicate that L2 learners have diverse and culturally specific needs for vague language, and generally use vague words in a more concentrated fashion (...)
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    Nihilism and Emancipation.Peyman Vahabzadeh - 2006 - Symposium 10 (2):639-644.
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    Of hegemonies yet to be broken: Rhetoric and philosophy in the age of accomplished metaphysics.Peyman Vahabzadeh - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (4):375-388.
    This paper situates itself in Reiner Schürmann's theory that the metaphysical representations have hegemonically governed epochs of western history. It argues that the contemporary alertness about the acute loss of affinity between rhetoric and philosophy reports the end of metaphysics. Specifically, the paper discusses that the phenomenon of globalization of scientific rationalism, with its homogenizing effects requires an anarchic mode of thinking and acting and a certain political life that refuses ultimate representations. As such, the proper epochal response to the (...)
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  8. The Counterexample Method and Armchair Philosophy.Peyman Pourghannad & Davood Hosseini - manuscript
    According to a bedrock assumption in the current methodology of armchair philosophy, we may refute a theory aiming at analyzing a concept by providing a counterexample in which it intuitively seems that a hypothetical or real situation does not fit with what the theory implies. In this paper, we shall argue that this assumption is at most either untenable or otherwise useless in bringing about what is commonly expected from it.
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    Legal complaints about midwives and the impact on the profession.Akram Peyman, Nahid Dehghan Nayeri, Mohammad Esmaeilpour Bandboni & Zahra Behboodi Moghadam - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):148-160.
    Introduction: Midwives play an important role in maintaining and increasing women’s health and well-being. Training professional midwives is one of the main policies of any healthcare system. Since the number of complaints against midwives has increased recently, this study was conducted to explore the perspectives of midwives regarding patients’ complaint to authorities and their impacts on the profession of midwifery. Methods: Being conducted in 2013, this qualitative study was the first of its type in Iran. Data were collected through in-depth (...)
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  10.  11
    Crossing borders: essays in honour of Ian H. Angus.Samir Gandesha, Peyman Vahabzadeh & Ian H. Angus (eds.) - 2020 - Winnipeg, MB: ARP Books.
    Crossing Borders: Essays In Honour of Ian H. Angus is a collection of original and cutting-edge essays by eighteen outstanding and diverse Canadian and International scholars that engage with Professor Ian Angus's rich contributions to three distinct, albeit overlapping, fields: Canadian Studies, Phenomenology and Critical Theory, and Communication and Media Studies. These contributions are distinct, unique, and have had resonance across the intellectual landscape over the thirty years that Angus has been teaching communications, philosophy, Canadian Studies, theory, and humanities first (...)
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    Investigating the Relationship Between Electronic Literacy and Quality of Life of the Elderly in Arak, Iran.Faranak Seyedi, Peyman Ghafari Ashtiyani & Kiyana Hatamnezhad - 2021 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 41 (1):3-9.
    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between digital literacy and the quality of life of the elderly in Arak. The research is a descriptive survey in terms of applied purpose and terms of method and nature. The statistical population of the present study included all the elderly in Arak who were at least 64 years and older; 376 participants were selected using the sampling method. Participants were assessed with the help of digital literacy and quality-of-life questionnaires. To analyze the (...)
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  12.  30
    Metrics, Licenses, and Historical LinguisticsTales from Luristan : Tales, fables, and Folk Poetry from the Lur of B'l'-GarîvaTales from Luristan : Tales, fables, and Folk Poetry from the Lur of Bala-Gariva.Gernot L. Windfuhr, Sekander Amanolahi & W. M. Thackston - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (2):255.
  13.  20
    Two leading international congresses in Iran in the era of COVID‐19: 21st royan international twin congress, 4th international and 16th Iranian genetics congress. [REVIEW]Leila Montazeri, Maryam Mohajeri, Hossein Baharvand, Rouhollah Fathi, Valeria Poli, Sara Kazemi, Fattaneh Pahlavan, Solmaz Kouhestani, Firoozeh Ahmadi & Seyed Javad Mowla - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (6):2100078.
    In this report, we look at the challenges posed by the outbreak of COVID‐19 and how the Executive Board of these two congresses succeeded in overcoming those challenges and holding two congresses. The approach for a large festival with different virtual setting components provided a suitable solution that led to exemplary achievements and created an appropriate model for future virtual or combined virtual and face‐to‐face events. These events proved that pandemic problems could not limit the organizers, pushing them to make (...)
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    Exploring value dilemmas of brain monitoring technology through speculative design scenarios.Martha Risnes, Erik Thorstensen, Peyman Mirtaheri & Arild Berg - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Technology 17 (C):100074.
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  15. Analysis of Human Gait Using Hybrid EEG-fNIRS-Based BCI System: A Review.Haroon Khan, Noman Naseer, Anis Yazidi, Per Kristian Eide, Hafiz Wajahat Hassan & Peyman Mirtaheri - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Human gait is a complex activity that requires high coordination between the central nervous system, the limb, and the musculoskeletal system. More research is needed to understand the latter coordination's complexity in designing better and more effective rehabilitation strategies for gait disorders. Electroencephalogram and functional near-infrared spectroscopy are among the most used technologies for monitoring brain activities due to portability, non-invasiveness, and relatively low cost compared to others. Fusing EEG and fNIRS is a well-known and established methodology proven to enhance (...)
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  16.  13
    Peyman Vahabzadeh, "Violence and Nonviolence: Conceptual Excursions into Phantom Opposites.".Hesham Shafick - 2020 - Philosophy in Review 40 (4):165-167.
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    „Das osmanische Muster“: Das frühe Ideal des M. Żiyāʾ anhand ausgewählter Artikel in der Wochenschrift Peymān.Sabine Adatepe - 2009 - In Hendrik Fenz (ed.), Strukturelle Zwänge – Persönliche Freiheiten: Osmanen, Türken, Muslime: Reflexionen Zu Gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. Gedenkband Zu Ehren Petra Kapperts. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 31-46.
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    The rhetoric of “unprincipled” philosophy. A critical notice of articulated experiences: Towards a radical phenomenology of contemporary social movements.Darryl J. Murphy - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (4):389-395.
    In this critical notice I review the main ideas presented in Peyman Vahabzadeh's thought-provoking investigation into the genesis of new social movements, Articulated Experiences: Towards a Radical Phenomenology of Contemporary Social Movements. I examine two central features of Vahabzadeh's work: (i) its notion of ?ultimate referentiality;? and (ii) the centrality of the role accorded to language in Vahabzadeh's overall theory. I argue that in his stipulation that language is the most fundamental mediating factor in articulation and acts of identification, (...)
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  19.  22
    19. Yüzyıl Ş'irlerinden Manastırlı S'lih F'ik’in Dîv'n’ına D'ir Bazı Hususlar ve Hazîne-i Fünûn Dergisi’nde Yayımlanan Şiirleri.Şebnem Çambel Kalço - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):149-170.
    1835 yılında Manastır’da dünyaya gelen Sâlih Fâik Bey, Encümen-i Şuarâ şâirlerindendir. Memuriyeti nedeniyle İstanbul, Burdur, Gümüşhane gibi çeşitli illerde bulunmuştur. Biri matbû, üçü yazma olmak üzere dört eseri mevcuttur. Bunlar; Arûz-i Türkî, Elfiyye-i Seniyye fi’l-Âdâbi’l-Ahmediyye, Peymâne ve Dîvân’dır. Fâik Bey 1899 yıllında İstanbul’da vefat etmiştir. Eserleri yaşadığı dönemin dînî, siyâsî, edebî ve toplumsal özelliklerini yansıtması bakımından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Manastırlı Sâlih Fâik Bey’in hayatı ve eserleri hakkında bilgi verildikten sonra, dîvânında rastladığımız dikkate değer hususlar ile devrinin mühim dergilerinden biri olan (...)
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